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MARCH 2016

MARCH 2016

9 Things That Make Good Employees Quit

As the saying goes, “People quit their managers, not their jobs.” It is important for managers to play their part in managing turnover, and the first step is to see things from the employee’s perspective. With this in mind, why do employees, especially the talented ones, leave their jobs?


The Countries Where People Are the Most Emotionally Complex

Is experiencing multiple emotions at once a sign of indecisiveness? Not really, as researchers believe that it is actually a mark of emotional complexity, which can differ from culture to culture. Those from interdependent cultures like Russia, India and Japan were found to be more likely to feel both positive and negative emotions at the same time, and were able to differentiate the discrete emotions. Feeling emotionally tied to others may be the reason why such cultures have higher levels of emotional complexity.


The Economy of Human Nature

Read on to find out more 


The Psychology of Narcissism - W. Keith Campbell

The psychology of narcissism presented in a simple and effective manner. 


Understanding Speech Not Just A Matter of Believing One's Ears

Ever wondered why we are able to fill in the missing information, despite having only heard part of what someone has said? This is because the context allows for prediction of the incomplete language. In addition, a recent research from the Max Planck Society has identified the left angular gyrus as a critical brain region in this process, as it integrates our prior knowledge with what we have heard for successful hearing.


Fernandes bank in captain's seat to make AirAsia the best that it can be

Micro managers, hands-on managers are no employee's favourite.
Micromanagement is needed when it's a start-up, when next level in line is lacking in capabilities, competence and commitment and hopefully still sharing the same values and passion.
It's easier said than done in family owned or entreprises succession planning. Most often than not, we find the founder returning after some years of mess.
There is a place for hands-on management, a time for succession planning and a time to let go....the question is when?


9 Myths about Narcissism Almost Everyone Believes

We know of narcissism as part of the “Dark Triad” of personality, and in its pathological form, the Narcissistic Personality Disorder. What are some myths that surround narcissism, and narcissism all that bad when it is at a healthy level?


Are You Catching Other People's Emotions?

Are emotions contagious? Given our tendency to innately mimic others' expressions and communicate via words and tone of voice, we can catch others' emotions without being aware of it. Emotional contagion can be positive when upbeat emotions like enthusiasm and joy are involved, but what if we get affected by others' harsh mannerisms and negativity? Read on for some tips.


New study finds that increasing your attention comes from using newly acquired knowledge

Other than brain training exercises, are there other ways to increase our attention? According to research from the University of California, Riverside, we can develop our attention skills by categorising newly acquired knowledge, and using these categories for more efficient retrieval. In other words, we can train our attention by applying our knowledge in new and flexible ways.


The blessing and curse of the people who never forget

What is "highly superior autobiographical memory" (HSAM)? People with HSAM are able to remember their personal life events with extraordinary detail. Yet, their memory for impersonal information remains average. What have researchers uncovered about HSAM, and what are the possible reasons behind it?


How Having Money Makes You a Jerk

Does money make you mean? Research suggests that money tends to bring out negative behaviours in us, as people can become increasingly focused on their personal needs. This can partly explain rising inequality - the rich gets richer, while the poor gets poorer. Is there a way to remedy this?


Why people remember negative events more than positive ones

Negative information is processed more thoroughly in our brains when compared to positive information, explaining why we remember the bad more than the good. As a result, the negative impact of a setback is often felt twice as strong as the positive effect of a success. Since most people can only take in one criticism at a time, how can managers deliver negative feedback most effectively?


Practice makes perfect, brain study confirms

“Practice makes perfect” and “hard work pays off” may be clichéd, but a recent brain study further confirms the validity of such statements. Researchers from York University in Canada found an inverted ‘U’ pattern when measuring brain activity over the process of learning a new task, suggesting that our pace and effort peak before returning to the original point once we have mastered the task.


Is there an ideal coach personality?

Three reasons how coach personality impacts coaching.
In addition, we think a match between coach and coachee's personality has great impact too.


HR at Google: A Q&A with Laszlo Bock

Laszlo Bock, Google’s Senior Vice President of People Operations, provides insights on the hiring strategy and culture at Google, as well as his thoughts on HR and lessons learnt, in this interview with HR Magazine.